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#reverb17 // June // 7 Ways to Kick Back and Enjoy the Summer

7 Ways to Kick Back and Enjoy the Summer

Summertime, glorious summertime!!! It used to be the only season I would formally recognize, all the others were dead to me. But, I definitely do appreciate things about every season 'round these parts now. Summer means long days, humidity, and generally NO vacationing. More on that below...

  1. Hammocking. (hammock as a verb is the biggest oversight of the english language IMHO) Bar none, the best way to spend time outside. I actually love hammocking well into the fall, but in the summer when there's a light breeze the hammock is great since ours is conveniently in the shade. And since I am allergic to the outside during springtime, the summer is really when hammocking gets kicked off.

  2. Dining and gathering al fresco. The grill gets fired up, the deck gets power washed (thanks G), and the patio furniture gets cleaned up. Having dinner out on the back deck, and having friends over to spend time outside feels so natural and organic.

  3. Early mornings and late nights. In the shorter days of winter, I am so tired all the time it's like I am meant to hibernate. But in the summer with long days, I tend to feel more energized, and naturally need a little less sleep than normal. So summer definitely gets enjoyed in terms of quantity, because I take advantage of the longer daytime hours with later evening walks with Levi, earlier mornings on the weekends for cycling or hiking, etc.

  4. Vacation planning. We don't have kids, so the summer is not busy with camps and pools and "summer vacations before school starts back up again". We intentionally avoid vacationing while the better part of the free world partakes. Traffic is just too overwhelming to bear. BUT, we kick back and enjoy the summer by planning vacations to the cool places we want to go during the other three seasons of the year. Vacation planning is one of my favorite things to do.

  5. Cycling & hiking. After the pollen has cleared the air, we hop on our road bikes for some longer rides out in the western part of the state. We usually get up early to beat the heat, and have nice long rides planned in the countryside. And on other days, we just ride our fixies to the gym and back to supplement our weightlifting routines. Hiking is another summer favorite - the billy goat trail is an easy go-to, and we will also plan early morning hikes near the Shenandoah.

  6. Aggressively appreciating the A/C. And then of course there are days that are 95 degrees with 100% humidity and rather than dying outside, we just hunker down in the basement enjoying the cold air inside. Or go see a movie, and enjoy other indoor activities even more than usual because of the noted conditioning of the air. Hallelujah.

  7. Ponytails & buns. There is really just no point in trying for pin-straight super silky hair in this humidity. And while I would normally be all uptight about a good hair day, I know that I'm in the throws of summer when I relax about it and my hair is either in a pony or bun every. single. day. And I don't even care. Sunscreen, shorts, tanks, sunglasses, and ponytails. All in!


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